Matchmaking Event 

Matchmaking Event 

Join for our matchmaking event at the University of Copenhagen on January 27th, 2025.

Sign up or read more about the matchmaking event here.



16.00-16.15: Welcome and presentation. Director of GCHSP, Professor Ruth Frikke-Schmidt.

16.15-16.45: Pitches by researchers at SCIENCE/SUND, University of Copenhagen.

16.45-18.00: Matchmaking in groups.



The call consists of three thematic and three open calls. The three thematic calls are targeted at:

  1. Digital Health Solutions – use of novel technologies and/or AI in monitoring, diagnosing, and treating at home.
  2. Primary and secondary prevention – including activities developing primary health sector collaborations.
  3. Multimorbidity – activities on how patients are secured the best treatment across the health care system including focus on health inequalities, complex interventions, and data sharing.

Overview of Pitches

Call 1

  • Karsten Vrangbæk, Professor, Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health and Medical Science. Title: “A multidisciplinary approach to Digital Health Solutions for prevention and multimorbidity”.

Call 2

  • Morten Arendt Rasmussen, Professor, Department of Food Science, Faculty of Science. Title: “The Power of Food and Nutrition as a Key Component in Health Promotion and Treatment”.
  • Ylva Hellsten, Professor, Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports, Faculty of Science. Title: “Exercise and cardiovascular health”.

Call 3

  • Christian Damgaard, Associate Professor, Department of Odontology, Faculty of Health and Medical Science: Title: “Denmark’s Oral Biobank (DOBi)”.
  • Lotte Stig Nørgaard, Professor, Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health and Medical Science. Title: “Hospitalized at Home – Helping the Helper”.
  • Anne Holm, Associate Professor, Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health and Medical Science: Title: “The problem of multimorbidity from a general practice perspective”.

Open Call

  • Natalja Genina, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health and Medical Science. Title: “Advancing antidepressant tapering leveraging digital technologies”.
  • Mai Bay Stie, Postdoc (via Professor Hanne Mørch Nielsen), Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health and Medical Science. Title: “Novel dosage forms for effective delivery of drugs via the oral cavity – Opportunities for improved patient care”.


If you have any queries, you can contact us at

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